Beate Reinartz
My name is Beate Reinartz, born in 1983, grew up everywhere!
I have been painting since I was a small child. Back then, when I visited my grandfather, I often went to the Disibodenberg.
A woman from Munich came there 2-3 times a year and drew. She just sat there, had a notebook and drew the things she saw. I was so fascinated by it that I had to try it out. So when I was 6 or 7 years old, I sat down next to her and started painting. Exactly what I saw. I was so proud of my first truly conscious painting.
It wasn’t one of those 5 minute doodles that I usually put on paper. It was my first picture! And what did it show? – a tree. I proudly brought it to my grandpa and he realized how important it was to me. He hung it in the store where he worked – right next to the cash register. By the evening the picture was gone. He said someone had bought it. I don’t know if anyone bought it, but the thought that someone finds my picture so beautiful and enjoys it made me happy.
Painting has helped me to find myself again and again.
I hope I can make you happy with my pictures.
Kind regards, Beate